
Manage Listing

Travel, Hospitality, Technology

Manage Listing


  • UX/UI Design
  • Visual Design
  • User Research
    Design Systems

Manage Listing on web had fallen behind due to fragmented ownership and lack of prioritization. Host feedback revealed that navigating the existing interface was cumbersome, leading to uncertainty about how their details would appear to guests. 

The project initiated a redesign of Manage Listing, bringing together nine different teams to collaboratively enhance the experience. The redesign aimed to create an intuitive and consistent platform that empowered hosts to effortlessly manage their listings while improving the guest view.

In this project, I undertook a leadership role, coordinating the redesign efforts across the nine teams involved. My responsibilities encompassed defining the visual design language, interaction rules, and guiding the design and engineering processes. I ensured that the design remained cohesive and aligned with the overarching user experience.

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© Jeany Ngo 2025